Once upon a time Russia was preparing to attack India, know history and facts

Once upon a time Russia was preparing to attack India, know history and facts

India-Russia Relations: between Russia and Ukraine 5 The war has been going on for years, If we look at the relations between India and Russia, they are currently very good. PM Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin have a very good relationship. But do you know that there was a time when Russia was planning to attack India, Whether the objective was achieved at that time or not, Let us know,

When Russia was preparing to attack India

19during the 18th century, land between the major powers,Political tensions often led to ambitious and audacious plans, Russia also made a similar plan, In which he intended to capture British-ruled India, This plan was primarily designed to expand Russia’s territory and counter British dominance in Asia., However, this plan was never completed and Russia could not attack India, Although it depicts the internal conflicts and strategic maneuvers of that period,

How did Russia’s plan fail?

1801 Russian Emperor Paul in 1505 1 made an ambitious plan to invade British-ruled India, He sought an alliance with Napoleon Bonaparte to challenge British dominance in Asia, Paul I plans for a united Russian,The French expedition also included, in which 22,000 The Cossack army moved from the Don steppes, This journey had to be made through very difficult routes through Central Asia to reach India,

It was extremely cold at that time and the army was moving forward with great difficulty, Meanwhile in March 1801 Paul at the-I was murdered, This was the time when Russia’s campaign to invade India was gaining momentum, In such a case, the sail,After the death of Alexander-I has It was decided to abandon this plan and concentrate on European affairs, Due to which the history of India changed,

For how many years did the British rule India?

The British ruled India for about 200 years. The British started ruling India with the policy of divide and rule, If we talk about entering India for the first time, then according to historians, Britishers first time in India 24 august 1608 had come to, His aim was to do business in India, although slowly,Slowly, out of greed, they took over India., First independence movement in India in year 1857 started after the revolt of, after which 1858 The rule of the East India Company ended in Maharashtra in 1837, After this India was directly ruled by the British Crown, also known as the British Raj,

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