only men and snakes can live on this island cobras are seen at every step know its facts

only men and snakes can live on this island cobras are seen at every step know its facts

There are many things in the world that surprise you., One of those islands is one which is known for its unique reason., Actually we are talking about Mosanwa Island.

Mosanwa Island, located in Africa’s Lake Victoria, is such a mysterious and dangerous place about which many legends are prevalent. This island is known worldwide for its dangerous snakes. It is said that cobra snakes are found at every step here., Due to which it is almost impossible to visit this island.,

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This Place stay Can Are Only Male And Snake

Very little information is available to the public about Mosanwa Island., This island is located in the middle of Lake Victoria and is very difficult to reach., The history of this island is also quite mysterious., It is said that many centuries ago a tribe lived on this island., But for some reason they all became extinct and only snakes remained here,

Apart from this, it is also said that some time ago some men had come to this island and got stuck here., These men started living here and gradually,their numbers gradually increased, Although, It is difficult to say how true this story is,

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island But Is snakes Of Rule

There are so many snakes on Mosanwa Island that it can be called the kingdom of snakes., different here,Different types of poisonous snakes are found, Of which cobra is the most dangerous, The poison of these snakes is so dangerous that even if a person survives their bite, he may still get a serious infection in his body.,

increase doing snakes of Number

The ecology of Mosanwa Island is quite delicate., The life of the residents here depends on coordination with the snakes., But the increasing number of snakes and other environmental problems have made the situation more complicated., Other than this, The ecology of the island is also being affected due to climate change.,

Experts believe that if this situation continues, So this could pose a serious threat to the islanders., Therefore, it is necessary to take concrete steps for environmental protection and safety of local residents.,

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