Ovarian Cancer in Young Women Early signs Abdominal Pain Fatigue Back Pain

Ovarian Cancer in Young Women Early signs Abdominal Pain Fatigue Back Pain

Ovarian Cancer: Ovarian cancer is a fatal disease that affects women due to the growth of cancer cells in the ovaries. It is generally believed that ovarian cancer affects older women and women after menopause. But in the new era, ovarian cancer is also affecting younger women, i.e. women between 30 and 40 years of age, which is a matter of concern.

Health experts say that if the early symptoms of ovarian cancer are identified, then this disease can be treated. But the irony is that still 90 percent of the people in the world do not know about the symptoms of this deadly cancer. Let us tell you today what ovarian cancer is and what are its early symptoms.

What is ovarian cancer and how does it spread
Scientists also call ovarian cancer a silent killer because it spreads very silently and rapidly. It develops when abnormal cells around the ovaries and fallopian tubes start increasing in size. After spreading, these cells attack the healthy tissues of the body and damage and destroy them. This process causes cancer or tumor in the ovary which slowly starts spreading to other organs as well.

early symptoms of ovarian cancer
If the early symptoms of ovarian cancer are identified, then timely treatment of this deadly disease is possible. Its early symptoms include constant pain in the lower abdomen. The stomach always feels full. In this condition, along with pain, there is swelling in the pelvic area and there is a feeling of heaviness here.

This pain increases during periods. The patient complains of bloating. The patient starts having back pain and sometimes has difficulty in getting up and sitting. Sudden weight loss, feeling tired all the time, drowsiness are its symptoms. Frequent urination and lack of appetite can also be its initial symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment
If a woman is seeing such symptoms in her body, then she should get a medical examination done. For ovarian cancer, it is necessary to do a blood test first. After this, an ultrasound scan is done. Apart from this, CT scan and needle biopsy are also other options for examination. If the symptoms are severe, then it is advisable to get laparoscopy done immediately. Let us tell you that ovarian cancer is treatable and its treatment includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery and hormone therapy. Doctors choose the treatment options only after seeing the stage of cancer in the patient’s body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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