Owl can see in the dark of night only because of rods know the specialty of its eyes.

Owl can see in the dark of night only because of rods know the specialty of its eyes.

Owl is an animal which can see at night. You must have seen many times that people ask humans that what is an owl? That is, can you see at night? Because the eyes of humans do not have the ability to see at night. But the owl can see everything very clearly at night. Today we will tell you what is there in the eyes of an owl, due to which it can see everything at night.


Owl is an animal which can see everything clearly at night. But do you know that the eyes of an owl are so amazing that it can see more than anyone else. While other birds or animals can see only in 2D, owls can see in 3D. In simple words, it knows the length and width of an object as well as its shape. There is a problem with the eyes of an owl that its eyes are not like a ball like humans, so it has to turn its head to see more.

Owl body

The structure of the owl’s body is such that it can rotate its neck up to 270 degrees. However, despite having so many qualities, the owl cannot see well during the day. But it can see the best at night. Let us tell you that the owl’s eyes are very large as compared to its body. In simple language, the human eye is equal to three thousandth part of his total body, while the owl’s eyes are equal to three out of 100 parts of its body. The disadvantage of such large eyes is that the owl is not able to focus properly on nearby objects.

Clearly visible at night

Let us tell you that big eyes help the owl to see clearly in dim light. It is believed that the daylight is too much for the owl’s eyes, so its eyes get dazzled. Therefore things appear blurry in front of its eyes. This is the reason why the owl does not like to go out during the day. Because it fears hunting. Due to the presence of rods in the owl’s eyes, it is able to see at night, but cannot see properly during the day.

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