Ozone hole is getting bigger continuously for 4 years, what are the scientists saying

Ozone hole is getting bigger continuously for 4 years, what are the scientists saying

For the past several years, a hole is continuously forming in the ozone layer over Antarctica. This process has been going on continuously since the year 1980. Especially the ozone layer above Antarctica is continuously getting thinner and in the last 4 years the hole in the ozone layer here has got bigger. When it was measured in the year 2022, it was 26.4 million square kilometers wide, which means that it was the biggest hole since 2015. Today, in this article, we will tell you many facts related to this.

Discovered in the year 1980

The hole in the ozone layer was first detected in the early 1980s. seen. According to NASA, its size was the largest in the year 2006. However, it has also improved many times. At present, NASA scientists believe that according to the data, the hole in the ozone layer is improving… That’s why they are not too worried about its large size. Paul Newman, Chief Earth Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, says the hole in the ozone layer is showing improvement.

What does the ozone layer p>

Ozone layer has a serious effect on our earth. Actually, a molecule of the ozone layer is formed by the union of three oxygen atoms. This is the reason that dangerous ultraviolet rays coming from the sun are absorbed in this layer and due to this energy an oxygen molecule and an oxygen atom of ozone breaks and then turns back into ozone. Due to this, ultraviolet rays do not reach the surface of the earth. But when there is a hole in it, ultraviolet rays reach the earth directly and many of its serious damages can be seen.

Refrigeration and air conditioning are causing significant damage< /p>

Environmental protection agencies believe that substances such as chlorofluorocarbons released from refrigeration and air conditioning remain in the atmosphere for a long time and cause serious damage to the ozone layer. Actually, before being removed in the atmosphere, one chlorine atom destroys about one lakh ozone molecules. This is the reason why people are always requested to use refrigerators and ACs at least, so that the damage to the ozone layer is reduced.

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