Pablo Escobar used to buy rubber bands worth so many lakhs every month to tie notes

Pablo Escobar used to buy rubber bands worth so many lakhs every month to tie notes

pablo escobar, Was a notorious drug smuggler from Colombia, who 1980 And 90 led the world’s largest drug cartel in the 1970s, He had amassed a good amount of money through his criminal activities, Due to which he was included in the list of the richest people in the world., There are many tales of his wealth, But do you know that he used to buy rubber bands worth lakhs of rupees every month,

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Why did Pablo Escobar buy millions of rubber bands every month?,

This may sound strange, But Pablo Escobar used to buy so many rubber bands because he had so much money that he could not find a place to count and keep them., he spends his money,Used to tie in large bundles and to tie these bundles he needed a large number of rubber bands., In such a situation, it is said that every week Pablo 65 I could only buy rubber bands worth a thousand dollars.,

You will be surprised to know that Escobar had so much money that he had to keep it in many rooms., It was a big risk to keep so much money so, He used many methods to hide it, It was easier to hide a bundle of currency notes tied with a rubber band., Money could get spoiled due to moisture, Therefore it was necessary to keep it in a dry place, The bundle tied with a rubber band could be easily kept dry,

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How much property did Pablo Escobar own?,

Year 2020 Pablo’s nephew Nicolas from one of his old houses in 18 million dollars i.e. 148 crores of rupees were received, According to an estimate, Escobar’s net worth 30 billion dollars i.e. approximately Rs 2.5 lakh crore, According to his brother Roberto, he had so much cash that every year he 2 billion dollars i.e. approximately 16 Rats used to gnaw notes worth thousand crore rupees, Pablo may have been a headache for the government of Colombia, but he was a messiah for the poor there., This was the reason why when American soldiers shot him dead, thousands of people attended his funeral.,

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