Pakistan Govt Given Approval To Import More Than 2000 Luxury Vehicles Amid Economic Crisis

Pakistan Govt Given Approval To Import More Than 2000 Luxury Vehicles Amid Economic Crisis

Pakistan Economic Crisis: The economy of India’s neighboring country Pakistan is in a shambles. The currency there is going down the drain. Inflation is so high that it has become difficult for the common man to get food for two times. People are shedding tears in distress. However, despite this, the rich are living here with pride. It is reported that the Shahbaz government has approved the import of more than 2,000 luxury vehicles (Pakistan Imported Luxury Cars).

Nawabi hobby in the midst of decay in Pakistan
People are cursing the Pakistan government for the purchase of more than 2,000 luxury cars. On social media, people are telling lies to Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. Many people say that where people are unable to get bread and rice, the rulers are having a nawabi hobby of luxury cars. Many stories of Pak PM’s pride and fame came in the discussion recently.

Consignment of essential commodities stuck at ports
In a report of Pakistani newspaper Dawn, it was told that crisis-hit Pakistan has approved the import of more than 2,000 luxury vehicles. While the consignment of essential commodities is stuck at the ports. According to the report, between July and December of the year 2022, Pakistan imported 164 luxury electric vehicles. At the same time, around 1,990 such vehicles have been imported in the last six months.

The government appealed to the IMF for help
In the midst of economic crisis, the Pakistani government has sought an economic package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The government continues to plead, meanwhile a team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is scheduled to visit Pakistan this week to discuss an immediate bailout package. The Pak government wants that it should be given an amount of at least $ 9 billion. At the same time, it is believed that he will get only $ 2 billion for the time being.

Foreign exchange reserves at all-time low
News agency AFP had recently told that Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves are very less. Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen to $3.7 billion, which is a record low. Due to which the import has stopped. The Pakistani government had to ban almost all imports. As such, more than 5,000 containers of essential commodities and industrial goods got stuck at the ports. It was told in Dawn’s report that most of these imports from Pakistan took place between July and September. At the same time, very little was imported from October to December.

Read also: ‘Pakistan should make friendship with India by stopping making noise on Kashmir’, why did UAE and Saudi Arabia say this?

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