pakistan rank third from bottom of the list of world justice project

pakistan rank third from bottom of the list of world justice project

Dangerous Countries of the World : Once again Pakistan has been insulted in front of the whole world. In fact, Pakistan’s position is very bad in the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index, 2024. This index includes 142 countries of the world, in which Pakistan is the third worst country in the world in terms of law and order. The Latin American country Venezuela is at the bottom of this list.

On what basis are countries ranked?

This ranking is released every year after a survey. These surveys decide the ranking of countries on the basis of eight major factors. Which includes restrictions on government powers, absence of corruption, democratic government, fundamental rights of citizens, order and security, civil justice and criminal justice.

Pakistan ranked 140th in law and order

According to the WJP Rule of Law Index 2024, Pakistan has been ranked 140th in the index in terms of law and order and security. It has been measured on three scales. Which includes crime control, protection from armed conflicts and the use of violence to resolve civil disputes. At the same time, only Mali and Nigeria were below Pakistan in this list. Apart from this, Pakistan has ranked 129th out of 142 countries in the rule of law index.

Pakistan is at what position in which list?

According to the WJP Rule of Law Index 2024, Pakistan is ranked 103rd for restrictions on government powers, 120th for corruption, 106th for democratic government, 128th for fundamental rights and 98th for criminal justice. Has been placed in place. Pakistan and Afghanistan are at the lowest position among six South Asian countries in this index.

There has been a decline in the ranking of many countries in the new report of the index.

According to the report of the World Justice Project Rule All Law Index 2024, this time there has been a decline in the overall ranking of most of the countries in the list.

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