Pakistanis eat even dogs, do not spare lamb’s kidney and cow’s brain, you will be shocked after reading this!

Pakistanis eat even dogs, do not spare lamb’s kidney and cow’s brain, you will be shocked after reading this!

There are many countries around the world where people are in the news because of their strange food habits. People of China are at the forefront in this matter, where people also chew animals like dog, cat, crocodile, snake and scorpion. Actually, the people of China believe in delicious food as well as healthy food. In such a situation, they eat even the biggest animals without any worry. But not only Chinese people are fond of this kind of food, but Pakistanis are also ahead in it.

Let us tell you that the people of Karachi city of Pakistan include many animals in their food, which include cow, goat, sheep kidney, brain, heart, kidney etc. Pakistanis like to eat these things cooked in strong spices and oil. In such a situation, on the pretext of Pakistan elections, today we are going to tell you about the weird food there, knowing about which you too will be shocked.

This dish of Karachi is considered very tasty, for making which sheep’s heart, kidney and brain are used. They believe that a wonderful dish is prepared from it. To make this dish, sheep’s heart, kidney or brain is first boiled. After this add fried coriander, onion, ginger paste, turmeric, fenugreek leaves, chilli powder, cumin and cinnamon. Before putting meat in it, it is cut on a hot pan, due to which the sound of ‘cut-cut’ is made. For this reason this dish has been named Kat-a-kat.

Peshawari Keshabs
It is a spicy dish made from leg of lamb. To make it, leg of lamb is mixed with other spices, then fried in oil until it turns brown. After being cooked, it is served with papaya and curd. This dish is available almost everywhere in Pakistan.

Ram (Sheep) Testicles Kebab
You will be surprised to know, but let us tell you that this dish is made from sheep’s testicles. First of all, they are put on a skewer on coal and cooked on high flame, after which they are given to the people to eat. Pakistanis eat it with great fondness. It is served not only on the streets of Karachi but also in restaurants.

This dish is also called brain masala, which is mainly made from the brain of cow or sheep. This is the favorite food of Pakistanis. To make it, first the brain of cow or sheep is boiled. After this, paste of onion, coriander, green chilli, turmeric, ginger and garlic is added. After adding the paste, it is cooked for a long time, then this dish is served with paratha.

Karachi weird food

dog meat
In China, only a festival related to dog and cat meat is celebrated, but Pakistan is also not behind in this matter. Although there is a ban on dog meat in Pakistan, despite this, there have been reports of dog meat being sold several times in Okara area of ​​Punjab province of Pakistan. Actually, people of this region like dog meat very much. In 2010, the police had arrested one person in this case, while in 2015, the police from Karachi had arrested two people for selling dog meat. Since then, such cases have not come to light, but it is claimed that even today people eat dog meat.

Tags: Strange strange news, The news is coming, OMG, Pakistan news, Weird news

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