parenting tips right age to plan a baby Know from expert child care

parenting tips right age to plan a baby Know from expert child care

Every person wants to become a father and have a cute child. In such a situation, most couples are very worried about what is the right age at which they should plan for a baby. Because many times couples want to enjoy their life for a few years after marriage.

The expert said this

In such a situation, their right age passes and they have to face a lot of problems in planning a baby. If you too are very worried about baby planning, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you the right age for baby planning. According to expert Shreya Chaubey, every couple should plan a baby after 2 years of marriage.

right age to conceive a baby

If you get married at the age of 20 to 25 years, then you can take some time to plan a child, but if you get married at the age of 26 to 27 years, then you should not take much time to conceive a baby. Every woman has the ability to conceive a baby between the ages of 25 to 35 years. But after this age, conceiving a baby becomes a little difficult.

facing physical problems

If couples think of planning a baby after the age of 30, then both the husband and wife may have to face physical problems. Not only this, the sperm quality of men decreases with increasing age, due to which a lot of problems have to be faced in planning a baby. If you plan a baby after an older age, then it can have a bad effect on your physical and mental fitness.

Difficulties in conceiving a baby

Expert Shreya says that if a woman wants to become a mother after a later age, then there can be complications related to pregnancy. Because with increasing age, the fertility of women also decreases. Due to which it is difficult for them to conceive a baby and they have to face a lot of problems.

Men will also have problems

Not only this, men also have to face a lot of problems in planning a baby after an older age, due to which they get upset. If you want to avoid all these problems and want to conceive your baby at the right age, then you should conceive a baby between 25 and 30 years.

Also read: Parenting Tips: If your child also spends wastefully, then adopt these tips to teach him the method of money management

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