parenting tips what are the disadvantages of beating children in hindi

parenting tips what are the disadvantages of beating children in hindi

Parenting Tips: Every day, we get to see some video on social media in which parents are seen beating their children. It has become quite common these days that when parents vent their anger on their children, it can have a negative effect on their mind. It can stay with them for life. Some psychiatrists say that venting out your anger on children can badly affect their mental health, which can cause many problems in the future. So know why you should not raise your hand on a child in anger…

children should not be hit
Psychiatrists say that the effect of physical punishment i.e. beating children is not good for their mental health. This can also be a traumatic experience for them. This can also cause them anxiety, which affects friendships and studies, because the child’s confidence and trust gets shaken. This can cause a lot of problems in the long run. Due to this, children remain afraid of when they are going to be beaten next time.

It remains in his mind that he might commit a mistake. Due to this, they start hiding many things from their parents or are not able to express their views openly. Therefore, it is important for parents to understand that they should maintain an open relationship with their children, so that they can express their feelings to them without any hesitation and consider them as their friends.

effect of beating on children
Experts say that if you think that you can prevent a child from committing any wrong act by instilling fear in him by beating, then it is wrong, because research has always found that beating increases the anger of children. Internally, their self-confidence reduces so much that they are unable to express themselves. This has a negative impact on them. After a while, it doesn’t matter to the child that if he does something wrong, he will be beaten. Not only this, with time his relationship also starts getting complicated. They do not have the same attachment as before and they start moving away from their parents. Wool

Effect of scolding on children
brain development may be stunted
There may be anxiety
can’t believe
Growing up brings sadness and emptiness
blames himself for every mistake
low confidence-self-esteem
Relationships, communication skills, problem solving skills are affected

what to do, what not to do
1. Parents should control their anger. Explain the mistake to the child as much as possible.
2. Tell children right and wrong and give them a chance to improve.
3. When children do something good, praise them openly.
4. Avoid raising hands on children.
5. Try to understand the child’s problems.
6. Try to increase his interest in studies.
7. Motivate the child.
8. Don’t compare him with other children.
9. Parents should reduce their expectations from children.

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