Partying with girlfriend left the girl in the hands of the machine, even the judge was surprised when the case reached the court

Partying with girlfriend left the girl in the hands of the machine, even the judge was surprised when the case reached the court

Children love their life for their parents. What parents do not do for them. No core leaves any stone unturned in upbringing. If the child cries a little, the parents leave all the work and start making him silent. But just think and see if a person leaves the milk-faced child alone at home for his own pleasure, that too on the basis of a machine…. But one person did this. He left his child with Alexa because he had to party with his girlfriend in a pub.

The matter is of Llandrindod wells of Britain. Around two o’clock in the night, there was a sound of a girl crying loudly in a house here. The neighbors thought that the girl might be hungry, that’s why she was crying. But even after a long time, when the girl did not remain silent, they called the police. When the police came, she was surprised to see. The child was alone in the house and no one was there.

left with alexa
According to Mirror’s report, his 30-year-old father told that he had gone to the pub at eight o’clock in the night. He had to party with his girlfriend. He said that the girl was not left alone but with the help of Alexa. Alexa was also kept on the baby’s bed. And through this he was able to see the movements of the girl in his phone. He told the police that he had deliberately kept the girl alone at home.

party in many pubs
When the police told in the court, even the judge was stunned. The man kept partying with his girlfriend all night leaving the girl alone at home. Both went to many pubs. Drunk. They also fought with each other. He didn’t even remember how he reached home. Public Prosecutor Stephen Davis told the court that the little girl lived half the time with her father and half the time with her mother. The matter of separation is going on in the court between the two. When this story was narrated in front of the judge, he kept watching it piece by piece.

jailed for 12 months
Later, the judge took away the custody of the daughter from the man for the time being and handed her over to her mother. The court even said that this person has lowered the standard of what is expected of parents. The man was convicted of willful attempt to strangulation and child neglect. He was given a sentence of 12 months. Not only this, fine has also been imposed.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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