People Are Afraid To Touch The Water Of Such A River It Flows Through This State Of The Country.

People Are Afraid To Touch The Water Of Such A River It Flows Through This State Of The Country.

Karmanasa River : Rivers do not only give us water for drinking, rest of the crops are also irrigated by them. Many people do the work of bathing and washing clothes on the banks of rivers. Kumbh and Mahakumbh are organized on the banks of the river. Rivers are also called life. In our country, rivers are even called mother. Rivers are also worshiped on festivals. On the contrary, there is a river in India which is called cursed. There is so much fear in the minds of people regarding this river that they do not even touch the water of the river. People believe that it is inauspicious to touch the water of the river.

Where is this river?

The name of the river is Karmnasha river. It is in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The river flows through Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, but most of it falls in UP. In UP it flows in Sonbhadra, Chandauli, Varanasi and Ghazipur and reaches near Buxar and joins the Ganges. The name of the river is made up of two words, Karma and Nasha. If its literal meaning is taken out, then it means a river that destroys or spoils work.

People also have similar thinking about this river. People believe that by touching the water of the river Karmnasa, things get spoiled. People believe that good deeds also end by touching its water. For this reason people shy away from touching its water. They do not use its water for any purpose.

Legend of the Karmnasa River

A legend is told behind the curse of the Karmnasa river. It is said that Satyavrat, the father of King Harishchandra, had once expressed his desire to go to heaven with his body to his guru Vashishtha. The Guru had refused to fulfill his wish. Then King Satyavrat made the same request to Guru Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra had enmity with Vashishtha, because of this he sent Satyavrat physically to heaven on the strength of his penance.

Seeing this, Indradev got angry and he sent the king’s head down to the earth. After this, Vishwamitra stopped the king between heaven and earth with his penance and then fought with the gods. King Satyavrat was hanging upside down in the sky, due to which saliva started dripping from his mouth. The river was formed due to the falling of saliva. Then Guru Vashisht cursed King Satyavrat to be a Chandal. Now people believe that the river is cursed due to the formation of a river from saliva and the curse received by the king.

Disclaimer: The information given in the news is based on general beliefs and information. ABP News does not claim this to be true.

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