People lay down in front of cows running on the road, cattle passed by climbing over them, shocking video went viral

People lay down in front of cows running on the road, cattle passed by climbing over them, shocking video went viral

India is a country of faith. Faith is because here man not only worships God who is seen in the form of an idol but also considers nature as God and worships him. For us, God resides in humans as well as animals, and this is what makes us different from everyone else. There are many such festivals in India, in which people consider cows sacred and worship them, while in many festivals, even coming under their feet is considered good luck. People of other countries may find this superstition, but in our country it is a symbol of faith. Recently a video is going viral, in which this faith within the people is being seen. In this video (Weird traditions around the world video) people are desperate to come under the feet of cows.

A video was posted on Instagram account @karishnavasuniya5 in November last year which is currently going viral. In this video, some people are seen lying on the road in front of the cows. From the looks of it, it looks like a festival. There are many festivals in India in which people chase cows on the road and do this to get their blessings.

people lying down in front of cows
In the viral video you can see that the Congress Party flag is visible above. There are many people standing nearby who are watching this scene. Many people are already lying on the road. Suddenly a big herd of cows comes running towards them. Then some other people also lie face down on the ground in front of them. The cow crosses their path by climbing over them. Of course he might be hurt, but he is not hesitating at all and is lying down in front of her.

Video is going viral
This video has received 96 lakh views while many people have given their feedback by commenting. Many people are criticizing this tradition, some say that it is superstition, but it is a symbol of faith. There is a tradition in Spain of running in front of the bulls, those who are criticizing this Indian practice do not comment on the Spanish practice. There is something in every religion which may irritate others, but it is wrong to hurt someone’s religious sentiments, their beliefs should be respected.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, viral video, Weird news

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