People Of These 6 Places Of The World Live Hundred Years Where Is The Blue Zone

People Of These 6 Places Of The World Live Hundred Years Where Is The Blue Zone

There are very few people in the world today whose age is above 100 years. Due to today’s lifestyle, polluted environment and adulterated food, people are getting old before their age and are getting sick and dying fast. But do you know that there is a place in the world where the average age of the people living is about 100 years. Today we will tell you about the same place and along with it we will tell that what kind of things do those people eat or what kind of lifestyle do they adopt which increases their age so much.

Where do people live for 100 years

There is not just one such place in the world, but there are many such places where people live for more than 100 years. These places are called scientific blue zones. Such Blue Zone areas in the world include Nicoya in the Central American country of Costa Rica, Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece and Okinawa in Japan, as well as Lomba Linda in California, USA. These are 6 such places, where the average age of the residents is around 100 years. A book has also been written about these 6 places.

Because of these reasons live hundred years

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American journalist Dan Buettner has written in his book that people living in the Blue Zone have many things in common in life. The first of these is food and drink. People living in the Blue Zone eat less than other people. Along with this, all the people living in the Blue Zone mostly eat vegetarian food. These people also give value to spirituality. Dan Buettner writes in his book that when he interacted with all the people here, most of them were part of some spiritual community.

drinks too much

Buettner has written in his book that when he talked to these people, he came to know that these people drink hot things like tea or coffee several times a day. Scientists also believe that if you drink a few cups of hot things, then you stay away from many diseases. Along with this, these people eat very selected things. For example, the people of Okinawa Island in Japan eat sweet potato and bitter melon. Both these things are rich in vitamins A, C and E.

place also affects

There is one thing more common in all the blue zones of the world. These places are naturally very beautiful. Like Sardinia in Italy, this whole area is hilly and very beautiful. At the same time, signs of mild radioactivity are found in Ikaria, Greece. Scientists believe that these radioactive elements are also found in the springs of this island. The people of Ikaria call these springs the fountain of immortality. They believe that they stay healthy by bathing in it.

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