Pet cat lost in the forest, couldn’t find it so the owner accepted defeat, traveled 1200 km and reached home herself!

Pet cat lost in the forest, couldn’t find it so the owner accepted defeat, traveled 1200 km and reached home herself!

If love is true then distance cannot harm anyone. This thing is not effective only for humans. Applies to animals also. We often think that animals do not love humans, they live with humans only to satisfy their hunger and fulfill their needs. But it is not so, they also have true love inside them, they too cannot stay away from their master. A cat has proved this to be true in America. This cat was lost in the forest, its owner thought that it would never be found again, but while searching for its owner it covered 1200 kms. (Cat travels 1200 km reach home) Reached far.

According to CNN report, a cat named Rainbow (Rayne Beau) lives with her owners Benny Anguinao and Susan in Salinas, California (Cat lost in Yellowstone USA). This is a male cat who is 2 years old. The family had gone to visit Yellowstone National Park in June, which is in America. During the trip Rainbow suddenly got lost in the forest. Its owner searched for it for several days but could not find the rainbow cat.

The cat in the back, Rainbow, with her companion cat. (Photo: Susanne Anguiano)

traveled 1200 kilometers
When she was not found, the couple was disappointed and had to return home without her, which was about 1200 kilometers away. However, Rainbow’s owner had not given up hope. He thought that maybe someday he would meet a cat. Along with this, he also hoped that the cat would learn how to live in the forest, so that it would not face any problem. But 61 days after her disappearance, something happened which no one expected.

the cat reached home
He received a message that a cat similar to his had been seen in California. The cat was found in Rossville, which was 305 kilometers away from home. From there the cat was taken to Placer Society, where stray and sick animals are kept. The cat had a microchip embedded in its body, which confirmed that it was Rainbow. The cat’s health was bad. Now the cat is back with the couple and is healthy.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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