Phone Blast: How the phone explodes while charging, this is the reason

Phone Blast: How the phone explodes while charging, this is the reason

We often hear that someone’s smartphone exploded while charging. Sometimes this blast is so terrible that even a person loses his life. This is the reason why people are appealed not to use the phone when it is charging. Let us know in this article what happens during charging that the phone suddenly explodes.

Problem of overcharging

During charging. One of the main reasons behind phones exploding is overcharging. Actually, when the phone is left in the charger and its battery is fully charged, it is usually controlled by a circuit. But if this circuit does not work properly, the battery starts getting overcharged. Then due to overcharging, excess heat starts getting generated in the battery and ultimately this becomes the reason for the battery bursting.

The quality of the battery is also the reason

< p>The quality of the battery installed in the phone also plays an important role in such incidents. In fact, low quality or counterfeit batteries are often unsafe. If poor manufacturing material or design is used in the battery, it overheats and eventually explodes.

You also have to pay attention to where the phone is kept.

When you charge the phone for a long time, the phone starts heating up. In such a situation, if the phone is being charged on a blanket or mattress, then due to lack of ventilation the temperature of the phone starts increasing rapidly. Later, this excess heat is harmful for the battery and can cause it to burst.

Bad charger can also be the reason

Battery Apart from the quality, the quality of the charger is also responsible for such incidents. Actually, when you are using a non-standard charger, it can give more current or voltage to the battery, which can generate more heat in the battery and due to this, the risk of battery explosion increases. That is why it is said that always use the original charger to charge the phone.

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