On the trail of Jaspal alias Sunny, resident of Gajraula Japti, who was helping Khalistani terrorists killed in the encounter in Puranpur, Pilibhit, the police have recovered his mobile phone. He had buried his phone in the ground at a crossroads near the village. He gave this information during interrogation on the second day of remand. Police will now reveal the secrets of terrorists by examining mobile phones. It is being told that apart from the phone, till now Sunny has not given any specific information to the police during interrogation.
Fake Aadhaar cards made at the Ballia address of the terrorists were also sent over the phone. That is why the recovery of the phone is also considered important. This will expose Sunny’s relations with terrorists. Inspector Crime Gajendra Singh Yadav told that Sidhu had talked to Sunny several times when the terrorists came to Puranpur. That is why after taking him on remand on Thursday, information about his mobile phone was taken. Sunny has also been interrogated by NIA and Punjab Police.
Police will send recovered weapons and mobile phones for investigation
Kotwal Naresh Kumar Tyagi said that the weapons recovered from the terrorists during the encounter will be sent to different laboratories for testing, so that information about the weapons can be obtained. The phone will also be examined. According to him, Sunny is still being interrogated. He will be produced in the court when his remand ends on Saturday.