Planes do not land with full fuel, in such cases they even drain the fuel, do you know the reason? – planes do not land with a full tank of fuel dump fuel before landing do you know why

Planes do not land with full fuel, in such cases they even drain the fuel, do you know the reason?  – planes do not land with a full tank of fuel dump fuel before landing do you know why

Did you know that when airplanes land, their fuel tanks should not be completely full? And this thing is also taken special care of. Even if such a situation arises, sometimes planes have to dump a lot of fuel. Why is this so? Is it really that dangerous? Can there be any big problem if not doing this? Come, let us try to know the answers to all these questions.

It is true that landing is not done with a full tank and this should be done as far as possible. In this regard, many experts also say that landing with less tank fuel can be said to be better and safer. In fact, landing puts a lot of stress on both the structure of the airplane and especially the landing gear. This may jeopardize the integrity of the aircraft’s structure, wings and fuel tanks and may pose a risk of fire.

At the same time, the more fuel you have, the heavier the airplane, the greater the load on the wings and the greater the stalling speed – and the greater the runway required. When landing on a full fuel tank you run the risk of running off the runway.

Many times the fuel is thrown out of the plane before landing. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Anthony Brickhouse, associate professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, says that fuel dumping is simply the process of reducing the weight of the aircraft before landing. In formal language this is called fuel jettison. The most important thing to note in this is that the aircraft is designed for landing with less weight. Because heavy aircraft can collide with the ground and get damaged or destroyed.

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Planes generally use up fuel by flying around for longer periods of time. But if there is an emergency situation for landing, they can reduce the weight of the aircraft by immediately dumping fuel. For this, there is such a system in the plane that pilots can do this with a single button, due to which the fuel starts flowing out from the wings of the plane or from any other place and the weight gets reduced within minutes.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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