Plaster put on his leg, man started walking with the help of crutches, pet cat started making fun, imitated the owner!

Plaster put on his leg, man started walking with the help of crutches, pet cat started making fun, imitated the owner!

Pets are very special to their owner and have a lot of affection for him. Because of this, they also support their owners in their happiness and sorrow. But have you ever seen a pet making fun of their owner in their bad times? These days, a video of a cat is going viral, in which it is seen making fun of its owner after seeing his broken leg (Cat mocking owner viral video).

Strange videos are often posted on the Instagram account @viralhog. Recently, a video has been shared on this account in which a pet cat is seen imitating its owner (funny cat video with owner). The main reason behind copying is that she is making fun of him. There are many such creatures which are known to imitate humans. But you will be surprised to see that cats can also do this.

The cat imitated its owner
In this video a person is seen walking with crutches. His leg is in plaster. Obviously he will need to walk with his feet in the air. But then the cat comes walking from behind and as soon as it reaches the camera, it starts imitating its owner. She also starts walking by raising one of her legs in the air. You will laugh a lot and be surprised after seeing this.

Video is going viral
This video has received more than 90 thousand views while many people have given their feedback by commenting. One person said that this video is very cute, he liked the cat’s imitation very much. One said that this is definitely a copy cat! One said that this is the cat’s way of showing kindness.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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