PM Narendra Modi on Emergency 50 years ago He attacked Congress and said they trampled the constitution

PM Narendra Modi on Emergency: PM Narendra Modi on Tuesday (25 June 2024) once again attacked the Congress by referring to the Emergency. PM Modi posted on the social media platform X on the completion of 50 years of Emergency.

He wrote on X, “Today is a day to pay tribute to all the great men and women who opposed the Emergency. That dark day of Emergency reminds us how the Congress Party abolished fundamental freedoms and trampled the Constitution of India, which every Indian respects very much.

‘Congress destroyed federalism’

PM Modi further wrote, to hold on to power, the then Congress government disregarded every democratic principle and turned the country into a prison. Everyone who disagreed with the Congress was tortured and harassed. Socially regressive policies were implemented to target the most vulnerable sections. Those who imposed the Emergency have no right to claim their love for our Constitution. These are the same people who imposed Article 356 on countless occasions, passed a bill abolishing press freedom, destroyed federalism and violated every aspect of the Constitution.

Congress hides its contempt for the Constitution

PM Narendra Modi further wrote in his post on X, the mindset that led to the imposition of Emergency is very much alive in the very party that imposed it. They hide their disdain for the Constitution through their pretense but the people of India have understood their actions and hence have rejected them time and again.

Emergency was mentioned even a day before

Let me tell you that the PM Narendra Modi Earlier on Monday (24 June 2024), while interacting with the media before the start of the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha, PM Modi had attacked the Congress by referring to the Emergency. Congress had criticized his statement and said that PM Modi is doing all this without imposing an emergency.

read this also

Emergency: Know what Amit Shah said about the emergency

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