Poisonous Bird: This bird has poison more poisonous than a snake, just touching it can kill you

Poisonous Bird: This bird has poison more poisonous than a snake, just touching it can kill you

Many animals in the world are poisonous. Snake is also considered the most poisonous animal. But do you know that there is a bird whose poison is more dangerous than that of a snake. Today we will tell you about this poisonous bird.

Name of this bird

The bird we are telling you about today, its poison. Is compared to the king cobra snake. However, like other birds, this bird also looks very beautiful and innocent. But if a person accidentally touches its feather, it can lead to paralysis and death within a few minutes. Let us tell you that this bird is called hooded pitohui or Guinea pitohui.

Let us tell you that the hooded pitohui is mainly found in Papua New Guinea. Local people also call this bird rubbish or garbage bird. The reason behind this is that this bird is poisonous. According to a report by Birdspot, till 1990 there was no specific information about this bird being poisonous. For the first time in 1990, Jack Dambser, an ecologist of the California Academy of Sciences, discovered that it was poisonous. 

Research on this bird

For information According to Jack, he was studying the hooded pitohuis in Papua New Guinea. During this time he started research on the hooded pitohui. When he tried to release the bird from the net, he accidentally got a cut on his hand and a severe burning sensation started. After which the hand became numb after a few minutes. After this, to avoid irritation, Jack Dumbass put the cut finger in his mouth. Within a few seconds, his lips and tongue started burning and he became unconscious, after which he had to be admitted to the hospital. 

However, after this Jack Dumbser understood that he had created the world’s first Poisonous bird has been discovered. After this, Dambsar started his research to see what chemicals are present in the tissues of Pitohui, which are so poisonous. According to the information, after two years of research, in the year 1992, he came to the conclusion that hooded pitohui contains batrachotoxin, which is the world’s deadliest neurotoxin poison. Happens till. Let us tell you that neurotoxin is also found in cobra. According to scientists, the hooded pitohui does not produce this poison itself, but the biggest source of this poison in its body is its food. The hooded pitohui mainly prey on beetles, also known as malaria beetles. 

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