Poo smelling job in britain company paying 1 lakh rupees for smelling potty poommellier

Poo smelling job in britain company paying 1 lakh rupees for smelling potty poommellier

In today’s time, there is a great shortage of jobs, educated people are wandering with degrees. Many people get lower level jobs according to their ability, in which the money is less and the work is more. But these days there is a lot of discussion about a job (Poo smelling job) in which the work is very less, the money is very high but the work is such that only after knowing about it you will join hands with others. The one who is in great need of money, probably would not like to do this work.

Britain has a nutrition brand called Feel Complete. Recently the company of this brand has taken out a job which will help them to make their products better for the people. According to the Daily Star News website, the person associated with this job will smell other people’s potty! (Job of smelling potty) Yes, you read it right. To test the feces, the company needs people who can smell human feces and then according to their experience, they will change their products.

will get this much salary
The company will conduct poommelier training in which 5 people will participate and only one of them will be selected as the winner. The winner will be given information about the human digestive system so that he can find out by smelling which nutrition is lacking in the body or whether the digestive system is working properly or not. For those who want to become Poomelia, it is necessary that they should be 21 years or older. He should be prepared for a very rigorous training schedule and have a sharp eye for details. For this job, the worker will get around 1.5 lakh rupees every month.

Why is stool information important?
Hannah Massey, Lead Nutritionist, Feel Complete, says, “No one’s poop smells good, but foul-smelling stools can be a sign of poor digestion and health. Due to any change in the number of bacteria in the stomach called dysbiosis, methane gas starts forming in the stomach. This gas either makes feces or it comes out of the body like foul smell. This problem also arises due to many types of food intolerance. If there is any problem in the digestive system, then people have to go to the doctor immediately. In such a situation, people can take care of themselves by knowing about the faeces.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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