Power Nap in Afternoon: Just 10 minutes of sleep in the afternoon will make you fit and fine, know what science says about it?

Afternoon Nap Benefits: Often people have a question in their mind whether one should sleep in the afternoon or not? Can a short nap be taken after lunch or are there any disadvantages to it? Regarding this, experts believe that sleeping for a while in the afternoon can be beneficial. It is beneficial for overall health. It provides mental and physical benefits (Afternoon Nap Benefits). However, some things should also be kept in mind during this period.

What are the benefits of sleeping in the afternoon?

  1. Heart health remains better and blood pressure level remains under control.
  2. It is beneficial to sleep in the afternoon after surgery.
  3. There is no imbalance of hormones.
  4. Can avoid problems like diabetes, PCOD, thyroid and overeating.
  5. Digestion power improves and problems like constipation get relieved.
  6. You can get rid of dandruff and pimples.
  7. Provides relief from sleep problems at night.
  8. Helps in recovering from injury and illness.
  9. Helps in reducing weight.

Meditate in the afternoon before sleeping

  1. After eating food, lie on one side of the bed.
  2. Bend the legs slightly inwards and come into fetal position, as if a child sleeps in the fetus.
  3. According to experts, only 10 to 20 minutes of sleep in the afternoon is sufficient, so do not take more than that.
  4. Elderly, sick or small children can sleep even for 1.5 hours.
  5. According to experts, it is considered good to sleep from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Avoid these mistakes after lunch

  1. Avoid sleeping between 4-7 pm.
  2. Do not consume tea-coffee, chocolate-cigarettes immediately after eating food.
  3. Walk for some time after eating food.
  4. Never sleep for more than 30 minutes in the afternoon.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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