precautions before taking anesthesia If anesthesia is being applied before any surgery, then take special care of these things

precautions before taking anesthesia  If anesthesia is being applied before any surgery, then take special care of these things

Anaesthesia: Anesthesia is required before any surgery. This is such a medicine that the patient does not feel pain during the operation. Nowadays most people are aware of this. But what most people are unaware of is that they have to keep some special things in mind before taking anesthesia. With this they can protect themselves from the side effects of the medicine. Let us know about them.

How many types of anesthesia are there?

There are three types of anesthesia:

General Anesthesia: It renders the patient unconscious so that they cannot feel pain. This medication may be taken as a gas or vapor, such as by breathing through a mask or tube. Apart from this, doctors also inject it into the patient’s vein through injection.

Regional Anesthesia: This numbs the general area of ​​the body where the surgery will be performed. The doctor injects this medicine intravenously. If surgery is done in the lower part of the body, it is placed in the spinal cord to numb it. In this, the patient is not completely asleep, but is also not completely awake.

Local Anesthesia: It is used to numb a very small part of the body. This medicine can either be injected or rubbed on the skin. It is used for minor procedures like mole removal.

What things should be kept in mind before taking anesthesia?

Before taking this medicine, tell the doctor what medicines you take.
Apart from this, if there is any allergy, then inform about it in advance.
Have any health issue including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, sleep apnea or thyroid.
Have asthma, COPD, bronchitis or any other breathing problem.
If you smoke or have consumed alcohol or drugs, then definitely inform the doctor before taking the injection.
If you are already feeling numbness or weakness in your hands or legs, please inform.
Pregnant women should especially inform the doctor about this.
If you have ever had any reaction to anesthesia before, please inform the doctor.

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