pregnancy myths and facts every woman needs to read abp special series

pregnancy myths and facts every woman needs to read abp special series

It is such a pleasant experience for a woman to become a mother. But this entire journey is very long and full of ups and downs. During this time, many types of hormonal changes take place in the body. At the same time, many types of things are heard from the people around. Like eating this is beneficial for the child. Eating this is harmful for the child. Many types of things. How much logic is there in these things. We will try to tell this through our article.

Actually, ABP Live Hindi ‘Myth vs Facts’ We have started a series on this topic. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths about pregnancy in the society, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical manner.

‘Myth vs Facts’ In the series, we raise such issues. We try to get to the bottom of it. Which people often use in colloquial language. Like, in our society, there are many things about pregnancy which doctors consider myths. Like- drinking saffron milk during pregnancy makes the baby fair, one should not eat papaya as it leads to miscarriage, mopping the floor while sitting during pregnancy leads to normal delivery. One should eat a lot of ghee during pregnancy as it leads to normal delivery. There are many such things which science does not believe in. Myth VS Truth Series Through this we will present such things to the general public with facts. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of old-fashioned lies.

Myths VS Facts: Does eating ghee during pregnancy lead to normal delivery? Let’s know what doctors, research and science say?

1. Fact Check: According to doctors, neither delivery becomes easy with ghee nor the healing of the uterus is easy. Ghee contains fat and if you eat it in excess, your weight will definitely increase rapidly. Many people feel that eating ghee in the third trimester of pregnancy will lead to normal delivery. Or delivery will become easy. But there is no truth in this. And neither does eating ghee make the baby very fair. However, eating ghee increases weight very fast during pregnancy. Eating too much ghee will increase weight and delivery will become very difficult.

2.Fact Check: Ghee is one of the main ingredients used in Indian food. When a woman is pregnant, she is often asked by the elders in the family to eat ghee. Eating ghee during pregnancy is beneficial for the overall health of the woman. It helps in digestion, it nourishes both the baby and the mother and it is a good source of healthy fats. But the most important thing is the way in which you are consuming ghee.

3.Fact Check: You can eat ghee during pregnancy but only one spoon daily with food. Because ghee is rich in essential vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K. Which are important for overall health during pregnancy.

4.Fact Check: Ghee contains healthy fats. It contains fatty acids (MCFA). Which is very good for the child’s brain. Ghee is good for the physical growth and brain development of the child but it is most important that the pregnant woman eats it in the right way.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Myth Vs Facts: Eating papaya during pregnancy causes miscarriage, know what is the correct answer?

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