Pregnant girlfriend finds out the truth about her boyfriend, the ground slipped under her feet! The situation of breakup came, she started asking for help

Pregnant girlfriend finds out the truth about her boyfriend, the ground slipped under her feet! The situation of breakup came, she started asking for help

If respect and trust disappear in love, then the relationship falls apart. Often, when these two aspects disappear, the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend starts falling apart. However, if someone wants to save the relationship, he does so by changing himself. A girl also felt the same, due to which she forgave her boyfriend despite his infidelity and took the relationship forward, but the boyfriend cheated her again at a time when she was pregnant. The woman (Pregnant girlfriend found boyfriend secret) came to know such a truth about her boyfriend, which shocked her. Now the time has come for a breakup between the two and she started asking people for advice on the internet as to what she should do at this time.

People often talk about their relationships and ask questions on the social media platform Reddit’s group r/relationship_advice. A 40-year-old woman did the same. This user named @GlitterRock1984 told that her boyfriend is 39 years old and they both have been together for 3 years and have been living in the same house for 1 year. After 6 months of being in the relationship, she came to know that her boyfriend talks to many girls at the same time and has affairs with some of them. However, she loved her boyfriend very much and did not want to leave him, due to which she forgave her boyfriend and went to couple therapy with him.

The girl is pregnant when she finds out the truth about her boyfriend. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

boyfriend turned out to be unfaithful
During therapy classes, the boyfriend promised that he would not do such a thing again. The girlfriend forgot all his mistakes and started living together. Now she is pregnant and is in her second trimester i.e. between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy. In all these years, she could not trust her boyfriend completely, but since she did not want to end the relationship, she was living with her boyfriend. Suddenly one day she saw some messages on her boyfriend’s phone, from which she understood that he is again talking to a girl, with whom he used to talk earlier also. That girl has recently broken up with her fiancé and she is also showing interest in talking to the woman’s boyfriend.

The woman sought help from people
Seeing this, the woman got furious and decided that she will now break up. However, she is unable to decide what is right and what is wrong. The woman wrote a post on social media and asked people what she should do now, should she take her boyfriend to therapy again? She says that now she is going to become a mother and will not be able to raise the child alone, that is why she needs a boyfriend. But she is unable to understand whether to take the relationship forward or not. Many people have commented on the post and advised her. Most people said that she should leave him. One said that she has the option to get out of the relationship, she only wants to stay tied to the relationship by making excuses. At the same time, one said that what he is doing is wrong and the woman is also doing wrong by not separating from him.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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