Premanand Ji Maharaj Anmol Vachan Viral Video Quotes What is the Final and Ultimate Truth of Life

Premanand Ji Maharaj Anmol Vachan Viral Video Quotes What is the Final and Ultimate Truth of Life

Premanand ji maharaj vachan: Premanand Ji Maharaj is a great saint and thinker who explains and explains the true meaning of life. Premanand ji’s precious thoughts guide to improve life and maintain balance.

God, man and truth of life. Premanand Ji Maharaj believes that the same ultimate truth is seated inside us, knowing that it is the biggest truth to know God and find him.

After knowing God, it is not left to know anything, after finding God, it is not left to get anything, he is God. Everyone’s last, middle and start are God. The beginning is from truth, the end is from truth, there is truth in the middle as well. Only we are not able to recognize. He is seated in all forms.

The root conscious jag jeeva jat sakal Ramamay jaani. Bandon everyone’s post Kamal Sada Jor Jug Pani Getting the same Rama Swaroop, Krishna Swaroop, Hari Swaroop is the ultimate goal of human life. Even if you read Jita, earning whatever money we die, then everything is zero. Then in the next life, you have to start from the beginning, then you have to study, money will have to be earned, neither post, will remain force, nor honor, that is why there is God at the top. If you have performed a bhajan of God once, then it is your truth. He will support you in bad deeds. Give time to the mind, and try to put it in God.

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