Putting A Frog In Milk Doesn’t Make It Curdling Know The Truth Behind This

Frog And Milk: The experiments of science are to make our life easier. Most of the experiments and inventions are done after being inspired by our lives. Many of which we use in our daily life. But, sometimes some experiments happen, which startle. One such way is to save milk from curdling, knowing about which you will not believe. According to scientists, if you want to save the milk from curdling, then you should put a frog in it.

In the 19th century, the people of Russia used this method to save milk from curdling. At that time they did not have any kind of facilities. However, then facilities like ice box were present in the cities. Then gradually electronic gadgets like fridge came in the market and this work became easy.

Some special chemicals come out of the frog

In 2010, some Arab scientists did a study on frogs. During this study, he came to know that the frog releases certain chemicals, which have the power to kill bacteria and other germs. The compound present in this chemical is called an antimicrobial compound. Scientists did many more tests of these chemicals coming out of the frog, then they found that its compounds have the power to fight bacteria. It almost kills the reactions of bacteria.

76 types of peptides are found

Apart from this, in 2012, some researchers from Moscow State University also studied the chemicals of frogs more thoroughly. They found that the frog compounds contained different types of peptides. The number of these peptides is around 76, which are completely different from each other. The researchers also found that the peptides of the two frogs are not identical.

During research, scientists came to know one more thing that not all types of frogs can save milk from curdling. That’s why it will be better if you don’t do this experiment without knowledge.

Read this also – Those countries of the world, where there is not even a single tree, how would be the life of the people here!

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