‘Rain of junk’ is going to happen from the sky, 100 trillion garbage is coming from space, if it falls on the head, it will end-Tata-Good Bye

These days the weather in India is gradually getting warmer. In no time the heat will be at its peak and people will have to face heat stroke. In such a situation, if you are using an umbrella to avoid the sun, then take a slightly stronger umbrella. Actually, it is possible that while walking on the road, suddenly the garbage of space will fall on you. You must be thinking that what are we talking about? But it is absolutely correct. Yes, not a little bit from space, but a lot of garbage is coming towards the earth. That means soon we may have to face the rain of junk.

Dr. Imogen Napper, one of Britain’s top scientists, revealed this. He told that about 100 trillion garbage is moving towards the earth from space. He further told that there were many satellites between the Earth and the Moon. There has been a tremendous fight between these two. In this collision, many trillions of garbage spread in the space, which is now moving towards the earth. The International Space Station has extended them towards the Earth for the purpose of cleaning the space. Which is now being seen moving from the sky towards the earth.

disclosed the secret
Dr. Napper is currently doing research at the University of Plymouth. He told that it was very important to clean the garbage from the space. Many times you must have seen in science movies how dangerous space junk can be. It collides with many rockets and invites an accident. The same happens in reality. There was so much garbage in space that it could collide with any other satellite and turn it into garbage too. Because of this the space was cleaned.

Scientist disclosed

waste to earth
Dr. Napper further told that this garbage of space has actually reached the atmosphere of America. They were cleaned from the International Space Station in 2020 and turned towards the Earth. It has now come down to earth. Let us tell you that at present there are about nine thousand satellites in the orbit of the Earth. By 2030, their number is expected to be sixty thousand. These satellites often collide with each other in space. For this reason, garbage gets accumulated in the space.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, OMG, Weird news

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