Rajasthan Farmers Income Increasing By Cultivating Fig Diana Variety In 200 Hectares

Rajasthan Farmers Income Increasing By Cultivating Fig Diana Variety In 200 Hectares

Fig cultivation: The trend of horticulture crops is increasing in the country. Farmers are now growing like those crops, which give good production in low cost, which have high demand in the market and are sold at a good price. Fig is also such an agricultural product, by cultivating which today the farmers of Rajasthan are increasing their income. During the year 2019-20, Krishi Vigyan Kendra had planted Diana variety of Ajir plants in 5 hectares of Barmer. Being a dry region, Diana got a very good production of figs and farmers started earning good money by selling figs. After this, Diana variety of fig became the first choice of the farmers and its crop has established its status on 200 hectares. Experts say that within just 3 years, there has been a growth of 39 percent in the area under fig production in Rajasthan. There are many reasons behind this success as well. Let us know about these reasons.

Fig orchards flourishing amid drought
Barmer of Rajasthan is an arid region. Mostly yellow, loamy, fine and calcareous soil is found here. Due to lack of rain and dry climate, drought-like conditions prevail here, which is best suited for the cultivation of dates, plums and pomegranates. Due to lack of water, drip irrigation is done for all these crops, due to which 70 percent of the water is saved, the quality production of fruits is also provided by the water reaching directly to the roots of the tree.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gudamalani, Barmer decided to increase the area of ​​figs here on the basis of soil and climate and in the year 2019-20 fig horticulture started in 5 hectare area of ​​Barmer center, when good results started coming from here, slowly- Gradually it was expanded to 200 hectares. In this way, today there are Shivna, Sindri, Chauhtan, Gudamalani, Shiv and Barmer in Rajasthan.

This method adopted for fig cultivation
Many people have questions in their mind that how quality production of dry fruits and fruits is achieved in the drought-prone areas of Rajasthan, then let us tell you that our experts are continuously motivating the farmers to adopt such techniques, which can save the resources. Despite the shortage, it gives good production at an economical cost. Drip irrigation is included in these, which is used by almost all the farmers of Rajasthan for horticulture crops.

Here the planting of fig plants was also done at a distance of 4*4, so that the plants get proper space to flourish among themselves. In this work, agricultural scientists also organize training and skill development programs, so that the people associated with the agriculture sector are informed about such techniques, which can provide economic strength in the future.

started getting profits
Figs are now recognized for their nutrients. Its demand is increasing in the country and the world. Diana is an improved variety of this, which contains vitamins, calcium and fiber as well as many healthy properties. It is beneficial in terms of health as well as earning. According to an estimate, figs fetch very good prices as compared to other fruits.

Fig plant matures in 3 years and produces up to 15 kg of fruits, which is sold in the market for up to Rs.100 per kg. An income of Rs 1,500 to 2,000 is earned from a single fig tree. In this way, a profit of 5 lakhs in one hectare is assured. From these figures, you can understand how fig is playing an important role in strengthening the economic condition of the farmers of Barmer.

Fig cultivation is being done in these states
Today India ranks 12th in fig production, its cultivation is also expanding rapidly here, which can make the country a major producer in a few years. In fact, due to lack of awareness about figs, farmers are treating it as an ordinary fruit. Understand, but in reality, along with agriculture, it is very important from the point of view of business.

This is the reason that apart from Rajasthan, it is gradually expanding in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow and Saharanpur), Karnataka (Bellary, Chitradurga and Srirangapatna) and western parts of Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore). The good thing is that fig gardening is no less than a boon in dry climate, hot temperature, sunny and less watery areas, where no crop grows.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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