Ramadan 2024 jumma namaz importance know date list of Friday in Ramzan month

Ramadan 2024 jumma namaz importance know date list of Friday in Ramzan month

Ramadan 2024 Jummah: Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, which is considered a very holy month. There is a belief that the worship and goodness done in Ramadan gets 70 times more reward. The day of Jumma has been given special importance in Islam. But Juma falling in the holy month of Ramadan becomes even more important.

Importance of Jummah in Ramadan and Islam (Ramadan 2024 Jummah Significance)

Let us tell you that this year Ramadan has started from March 11 and the fasting people are fasting from March 12. Talking about Jumma falling in Ramzan, just as the month of Ramzan is considered very virtuous and sacred in Islam, similarly Jumma falling in Ramzan is also considered special as compared to other days.

Regarding the prayers offered on Friday, it has been said in the Hadith Sharif that Allah had created Hazrat Adam Alaihissalam on the day of Friday and on this day Adam had entered heaven for the first time.

The Hadith also says that on Fridays angels stand at the doors of all mosques. In such a situation, the angels write the names of the servants of Allah who come to the mosque for Friday prayers.

Just as certain days of the week are considered auspicious in Hinduism, Sunday is considered auspicious in Christianity. Similarly, Friday and Friday prayers have special significance in Islam. On every Friday of Ramadan, fasting people offer namaz in the mosque. Whereas women fasting worship Allah at home with their heads bowed.

How many Jummahs in Ramadan this time (Ramadan Jummah Date List)

This time Ramadan has started from March 11 and will end on April 9. The festival of Eid (Eid 2024) will be celebrated on 10th April. In such a situation, this year there will be a total of 4 Jumma’s in the month of Ramadan. Know the dates of Jumma falling in Ramzan-

Jummah Namaz Rules

  • Jumma namaz should not be offered without bathing. Clean the body before Jumma prayers.
  • Along with bathing, brushing teeth on Friday is also considered important. It is called Siwak in Islam.
  • Men must go to the mosque on the day of Friday prayers. Along with this, perfume, cap and antimony should also be applied in the eyes on this day.
  • After Jumma Namaz, donate something to the poor or needy as per your capacity, this gives reward.

read this also: Ramadan 2024: Tomorrow is the first Friday of Ramadan, fasting people will pray for mercy and blessings from Allah.

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