ration card one mistake can canceled your ration card this is how you can make corrections online

ration card one mistake can canceled your ration card this is how you can make corrections online

Ration Card Online Correction: The Government of India runs many schemes for the citizens of its country. Most of these schemes are for the poor and needy people. Even today there are many people in India who are not able to earn enough to feed their daily bread. The Government of India provides ration to such people at a very low rate. Under the National Food Security Act, the Government of India provides ration to these poor and needy people at a very nominal price.

Under the schemes of the Government of India, people must have a ration card to get ration at a low price. There are four types of ration cards in India which are made on the basis of different eligibility. Not all ration cards have the facility of ration at a low price. Apart from this, ration card is also used to avail benefits of government schemes. If you make a small mistake in the ration card, then it can cost you heavily. But you can also correct it online.

Ration card cancelled due to wrong information

If your date of birth or your name is wrongly recorded in your ration card, then your ration card can be cancelled. According to the rules of the Government of India, the ration card is a valid document. It can also be used as an identity card. Along with that, you can also get ration on it.

And you can also take advantage of government schemes. But if you have entered the wrong spelling of your name while making the ration card. Or you have entered the wrong date of birth. Or you have entered any other information wrong. Then due to this mistake your ration card can be cancelled.

How to make corrections online

If you have made some mistake while making the ration card. Any wrong information has been entered. Then you do not need to panic. You can correct it online. For this, first of all you have to go to the website of the Food and Supply Department of your state. Here you will see the option of β€˜Ration Card Correction’, you have to click on it.

After this, you will have to enter your ration card Aadhaar card number. Then you will have to click on the search option. After this, you will see the complete information of the ration card on the screen. Whatever information you want to update, update it by clicking on it. And finally submit the application for update by clicking on β€˜Submit’.

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