In Uttar Pradesh’s capital Lucknow, a rally will be held from January 10 to 19 at the AMC Stadium of the cantonment for the recruitment of firefighters in the army. About 10 thousand candidates from 13 districts will participate in this. He has passed the online Common Entrance Exam (CEE) held in April. The rally is being held for recruitment to the posts of Agniveer GD, Technical, Office Assistant and Tradesman. This will be the fifth rally of Agniveer recruitment in the state.
According to the information issued by the Public Relations Officer of the Army, the admit cards of the candidates have been sent to their registered emails. Candidates from Auraiya, Chitrakoot, Kannauj, Banda, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Barabanki, Gonda, Kanpur Dehat, Unnao, Kanpur Nagar, Fatehpur and Lucknow districts will be able to participate in the recruitment rally.
Apart from the admit card, candidates will be required to bring original and one set of photocopies of all the documents with them. Candidates will have to report at AMC Center and College Stadium at 2 midnight. The Army has advised the candidates not to fall into the trap of brokers. Nor resort to any unfair means. Recruitment will be completely fair and transparent.
A rally will be held from 10 to 19 January at the AMC Stadium of the cantonment for the recruitment of fire fighters in the army. In this, programs for different days have been issued for the candidates of different districts.