​Refrigerator Facts What Will Happen If We Open The Door Of The Refrigerator In A Closed Room

​Refrigerator Facts What Will Happen If We Open The Door Of The Refrigerator In A Closed Room

Refrigerator Facts: The condition worsens when the refrigerator is opened in winter, but it gives a feeling of coolness in summer. In the summer season, I feel like sitting inside the fridge. We always keep the door of the refrigerator closed, but have you ever thought what would happen if the door of the refrigerator is opened? If the doors of the room are closed after opening the refrigerator door, will the room get colder? Let us know the answers to these questions in this article.

This question was asked in viva

Maybe this question has also come in your mind, but the interesting thing is that Parag Tripathi, a student of Bachelor of Engineering, tells that the same question was asked to him in Viva. His subject in that semester was Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. Now before knowing the exact answer to this question, you have to understand the functioning of refrigerator. According to the law of thermodynamics, heat always flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.

This is how fridge works

When you keep an object in the fridge, its temperature is higher than that of the fridge. The coolant of the fridge absorbs this heat and removes it outside the fridge. The compressor does the work of compressing this coolant. This compressor runs on electricity so it gets hot. Due to this it emits its energy outside. Now if the inside temperature rises, then the sensors measuring the temperature of the refrigerator send information and give a signal to the compressor to work more.

of fridge What if you open the door?

If we open the door of the refrigerator in a closed room, then now the room will also become a part of the inside of the refrigerator. In this case, the sensor will tell the compressor that the heat inside has increased too much, to make the coolant run faster. In this round the compressor will use more power. Both the coolant and the compressor together will create more heat in the room than before. This is the reason why the heat emitting unit in AC is kept outside the house. If you open the door of the refrigerator, the compressor which lowers the temperature inside the refrigerator, will start working to increase the temperature of the room. Its machine will reduce the temperature on one side and increase it on the other side.

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