Regulator NPPA fixes rates of 100 drugs diabetes cholesterol fever infection drugs on the list

Regulator NPPA fixes rates of 100 drugs diabetes cholesterol fever infection drugs on the list

10 crore people in India are diabetic patients. According to ‘World Health Organization’, 18.83 crore Indian people are high BP patients. Apart from this, people are also patients of hypertension and diabetes. Full proven treatment for both these diseases has not been found yet. This disease is so serious that if it is detected in its advanced stage then it becomes absolutely necessary to take medicine. The figures are quite shocking. There are many people who suffer greatly from this serious disease but still do not take medicine. For your information, let us tell you that the price of these medicines is quite high.

Organization National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

According to the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), an organization that decides the prices of medicines, the prices of 69 medicines used in both diabetes and hypertension have been reduced. NPPA has reduced the retail price of formulations of 69 medicines used in these diseases. Medicines consisting of 31 formulations have been packed at cost. This means that now you will not have to pay much for these medicines.

Medicines with 69 formulations

Formulation of medicines: Composition of medicine for any disease, what compounds or salts are used in the medicine. Dapagliflozin is a diabetes formulation made from the composition of metamorphine hydrochloride and glimepiride. The medicines of these three compositions are priced at the cost of medicines of 31 compositions. The name of the medicine used in case of snake bite is Antiserum medicine which costs Rs 428. The prices of HIV medicine Zidovudine, Thalassemia medicine Desferrioxamine and asthma medicine have also reduced.

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