Relation Between Energy And Mass The Energy Of A Paper Clip Is Equal To That Of An Atomic Bomb

Relation Between Energy And Mass The Energy Of A Paper Clip Is Equal To That Of An Atomic Bomb

Energy and Mass: If you know even a little bit of science, you would know that mass and energy are related to each other. The relationship between them is denoted by a formula. That is E=mc². This is one of the most popular rules of science. It was propounded by the great physicist Albert Einstein. This is the same formula, which later made the atomic bomb.

What is E=mc2 equation?

According to Einstein’s equation, energy (E) and mass (m) are the same entity and can be converted into each other. Actually, E in this formula represents energy, which is contained in any object from an atom to the world. M is mass and c is the velocity or speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles/second. In this way, the meaning of the formula is that if the total mass of any unit is multiplied by the square of the velocity of light, then the value of the total energy of that unit will come out.

paper clip has so much energy

A report by Nova Science states that if every atom of a paperclip is converted into pure energy according to E = mc2, then about 18 kilotons of TNT will be obtained from it. You will be surprised to know that the energy coming out of such an explosive will be equal to the energy of the explosion of the atom bomb that fell on Hiroshima in the year 1945. However, the mass of any object cannot be completely converted into pure energy.

the sun shines like this

The mass-energy relation also shows that if energy is released from an object due to mass-energy transfer, the rest mass of that object will decrease. When hydrogen atoms join together to make helium, stars like the Sun shine with the energy released from their rest energy. In this process a lot of energy is released whose value depends on the mass of the hydrogen atoms (E=mc²).

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