Research was being done on smell sensor, such shocking results were found, secrets about blood pressure were revealed.

Research was being done on smell sensor, such shocking results were found, secrets about blood pressure were revealed.

Sometimes some research brings out very strange treatments. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have done something like this and have made such a wonderful discovery that can change the way we think about our sense of smell as it has been claimed that it can be used as a meter to measure blood pressure. They have discovered the presence of a special sensor in the blood itself which secretly controls our blood pressure. The results of this research may prove useful in the treatment of blood pressure.

Actually, there are special types of sensors in the human nose which are called olfactory receptors. With the help of these receptors we are able to feel the surrounding smells. But it is not necessary that these are only in the nose because a special receptor OlfR558 has been found in a very unusual place. It is embedded in the blood vessels of our body and the cells that produce special hormones in the kidneys. But its presence at this place was a big puzzle for scientists.

The researchers of the study published in Science Advance thought of finding a solution to this puzzle and the results were quite surprising. It may seem strange but it is true that the blood pressure of each gender is different. Before menopause, the blood pressure of women is 10 points lower than that of men.

The results of this research can provide direction to research on treatment of blood pressure. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Scientists think that sex hormones are responsible for this, but this was not the solution to the complete puzzle. Whereas in the matter of treatment, most of the treatment related guidelines have the same criteria for men and women. Keeping all these facts in mind, the team decided to investigate OlfR558 and found surprising results in experiments conducted on rats.

Generally, male rats had higher blood pressure than females. When mice were genetically devoid of OlfR558, the results were unexpected. Blood pressure decreased in males and increased in females. It seemed as if the difference between the two magically disappeared.

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Researchers studied huge data containing genetic information of humans. Many people have OR51E1 receptor instead of OlfR558 and in such cases, there is no difference in blood pressure due to gender. It is clear that the results of the study will inspire experts to find new ways to treat blood pressure. At the same time, the effect of OlfR558 has not been understood well yet. But it is also true that smell sensors can be useful in the treatment of hypertension.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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