Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review: The story would have breathed in ‘Keep Breathing’, if there was no conflict with the plot

Review ‘Keep Breathing’: Cast Away starring Tom Hanks has been ranked among the best survival drama movies in the world. Tom falls into the sea when a plane crashes and somehow reaches an island. Not a single human lives on the entire island. Tom lives alone on that island for four years and survives. The story of Cast Away is such a document of these 4 years in which loneliness, desolation, a person longing for conversation with someone who has to depend on that island for food and drink and the vast sea spread in front, has been depicted.

He paints the football with his blood and makes a face on it and keeps talking to him considering him as his friend. Survival means this struggle of life is some innocent and some very heart wrenching. Cast Away was released in the year 2000. After 22 years, a survival drama series “Keep Breathing” has been released on Netflix, whose basic story is similar to Cast Away but its script is so rubbish that viewers can consider themselves as survivors after watching it. Although it is a mini series of only 6 episodes, it is better to watch Cast Away one more time than wasting time watching it.

Liv (Melissa Barrera) is a fiery lawyer who has to go to a case with some important documents. She rides in a small plane which has a pilot, co-pilot and no one else except her. The plane crashes due to a technical fault. As Liv and co-pilot Sam (Austin Stowell) somehow make it to an island, the pilot becomes trapped in his seat and drowns to his death inside the plane. After some time Sam also dies.

After this Liv has to live on that island, understand the island and find a way out of there. The story is amazing, but the screenplay strangles this story. Liv’s attempts to escape go unnoticed, but Liv’s ever-changing relationship with her mother, father and boyfriend weaves into the story through flashbacks and the story of Luv’s survival. gets swallowed up. Once in a while, it seems that through the flashback scenes, Liv will find a way to survive on this island, but alas, nothing like this happens. The truth is that some flashback scenes look forced.

Melissa Barrera is a Mexican actress and she has appeared in many TV series but her role in this web series has been created without any understanding. She is a lawyer, but underwater like a skilled diver, she tries to save her pilot and co-pilot by holding her breath for a long time. To light a fire on the island, she burns notes worth thousands of dollars with the help of glass. It is another matter that he has a lighter which could have worked again if it had been dried. Why did you burn all the notes? She cannot catch fish to eat in the forest, but she eats wild berries with great pleasure, while it is very difficult to find out which berries are not poisonous.

As long as she stays in the forest, she does not get any disease, which is almost impossible. There is only one bear on the island, which attacks co-pilot Sam. Sam is already injured but Liv chases the bear away by shouting from a distance. That bear is not seen again in the entire series, any other animal is a distant thing. After Sam’s death, she alone buries Sam by putting him in a pit and even once she does not think of taking the checking of Sam’s pocket. Sam has a nice jacket that might come in handy in the cold, but Liv doesn’t take that off either. There are so many flashback scenes in this screenplay full of dozens of idiots that if you fast forward them and watch only the survival scenes, then everything will be over in a single episode. I don’t know what the writers of the writers circle, Ituri Sosa, Brendan Gaul, and Martin Gero had in mind when they wrote this. Best of all, Liv’s makeup doesn’t go bad at all.

After a long climb, Liv reaches a place where a river is flowing with a strong current, Liv jumps into it (she doesn’t get hurt, doesn’t even hit a stone) and in the next 15-20 seconds, two people catch her. They come out of the river and bring her to the shore and she is saved. Series over. As a viewer, you feel so cheated that perhaps after this something happens in Liv’s life, there is a change, or a change in her thinking, all that has not been bothered to be shown. The weirder the way the series has ended, the weirder it feels like banging its head against the wall. In the survival drama, sorrow, pain, problems, physical and mental suffering, food jugaad, struggle to store clean drinking water and don’t know what happens. But everything is missing in funnel breathing. You too should remain missing instead of being its spectators. is a waste of time.

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Story ,
screenpl ,
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Tags: Reviews, Web Series

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