Robofood Project You can use it and eat it know about edible and fascinating robots know here

Robofood Project You can use it and eat it know about edible and fascinating robots know here

Project Robofood: In today’s time, there is no work that robots cannot do. Robots are doing all the work that humans can do. Technology has become so advanced that robots can even think like humans. But has it ever crossed your mind that in the future, humans will be able to eat robots? Maybe not, but this is true. In the future, you will even be able to eat robots.

Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne are working on a similar project in which they are working on robots that you can eat after using them. It may sound strange but it is true. The aim of this project named Robofood is to make robots from food items that not only make your work easier but you can also get nutrition by eating them. If scientists are successful in this project, then electronic waste can be reduced to a great extent.

What is the Robofood Project?

The scientists have only one objective of working on this project, that instead of mechanical components in robots, edible things can be used. Which people can eat later. In simple language, rice cookies can be used for foam and chocolate can be used to protect them from moisture in making robots. Which can also be eaten later.

Food items have already been used

This is not the first time that scientists are working on such a project. Earlier also food items have been used to make drones. In 2022, scientists made a drone from rice cookies. Apart from this, in 2023, food batteries have also been made using riboflavin and quercetin.

Challenges faced in the project

The biggest challenge for scientists in this project is to make such a material that can be used in components as well as eaten. Apart from this, it will also have to be seen what effect the use of edible material will have on the lifespan of the robots, and most importantly, how to make the taste of the robots suitable for human consumption.

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