Russia Alexei Navalny Yulia Navalnaya Vladimir Putin President of Russia

Russia Alexei Navalny Yulia Navalnaya Vladimir Putin President of Russia

Russia Latest News: Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, has used strong words against President Vladimir Putin. On Saturday (24 February 2024), she demanded her husband’s mortal remains from the Russian authorities. Apart from this, he used the word ‘devil’ against Putin. Navalnaya has accused the Russian President of torturing her husband’s mortal remains.

In a video posted on YouTube, Navalnaya can be heard saying that Putin is holding her husband’s body hostage. Apart from this, he has also raised questions on Putin being a Christian.

Earlier on Friday (23 February 2024), Navalny’s mother Lyudmila had also given her statement. He says that Russian officials are against the public cremation and burial of Navalny’s body. Due to which violence is likely to increase.

According to Navalny’s mother, an officer told her that you should consider our demands. Because Navalny’s body is decomposing very fast. According to Navalny’s associates, Russian authorities have threatened his family that if they do not agree to their conditions, they will bury his body somewhere far away.

In the video, an emotional Yulia Navalnaya can be heard saying that Putin is personally responsible for disposing of Navalny’s body. They are torturing Navalny even after his death, as they did when he was alive.

Navalnaya further said, ‘We already knew that Putin’s confidence is fake, but now we see it more clearly than ever. No true Christian would ever do what Putin is now doing with Alexei’s body.

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