Sawan 42 Mukti Mahalingas Made Kashi A Mokshadayini City Worship Opens Path To Salvation – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Sawan 42 Mukti Mahalingas Made Kashi A Mokshadayini City Worship Opens Path To Salvation – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Kashi, the city of Shiva…
– Photo : Amar Ujala


Kashi, the city of Shiva…. The only city in the world where people come with the desire of salvation. Sitting on the banks of the north-flowing Ganga, Kashipuripati gives Shiva Sayujya to his devotees by whispering the Tarak Mantra of Ram’s name in their ears. In the Mokshadayini city of Kashi, the self-created 42 Mukti Mahalingas of the world open the path of salvation for Shiva devotees and also take away all the sins of Kaliyuga.

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According to Skanda Purana of Kashi Khand, Lord Shiva told Maa Parvati about the Mukti Mahalingas of Kashi. It is mentioned in Skanda Purana that Kashi has become famous as Muktipuri because of these Mukti Mahalingas. Thousands of Shivlingas are present in Kashi.

Some are self-created, some have been established by gods, sages, some by yakshas and some by demons and humans. Mahesh Upadhyay of Kashi Karvat Temple says that there are sixty crore Siddhalingas in the Ganga water which are invisible in Kaliyuga.

Prof. Madhav Janardan Ratate of Faculty of Religious Sciences, BHU says that there are 14 Mahalings at the root of salvation. Omkareshwar Mahadev is the first among them. After this Trilochan Mahadev, Mahadev, Kritivaseshwar, Ratneshwar, Chandreshwar, Kedareshwar, Dharmeshwar, Veereshwar, Kameshwar, Vishwakarmeshwar, Manikarnikeshwar, Avimukteshwar and Vishwaeshwar Mahaling is seated at number 14. All these 14 Mahalings are the root of Mokshashri. Their place is called Muktikshetra. In Anandvan, these 14 Mahalings give salvation to the devotees.

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