Cyber fraudsters are adopting new methods every day to defraud people. Sometimes they call posing as government officials and sometimes they send messages luring good earnings from work from home. Now telecom regulator TRAI has alerted people about one such scam. TRAI has asked people to be cautious of SMS offering free recharge. In this scam, cyber thugs are calling themselves TRAI officials. Let us know about this scam in detail.
Thugs promising free recharge
In this scam, cyber thugs are posing as TRAI officials and sending SMS to people. In this, people are being lured for free recharge. The telecom regulator warned people about this and said that no such SMS are sent from its side. Users should visit the official website of their telecom company for information about any offer or tariff plan.
Fear of losing access to device
TRAI has said that these SMS have been made to gain access to the users’ devices. Once they get access to the device, cyber thugs collect personal and sensitive information of the users, which is used for fraud and blackmailing. Therefore, do not click on the file attached with any such SMS. This can cause big loss.
Rapid increase in cyber crime
These days, there is a sharp increase in the cases of cyber crime. To avoid this, people need to take extra precautions. If any unknown person sends you a link, do not click on it. Also, do not give any sensitive information to any suspicious or unknown person.
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