Scientist finds special planet, will tell how Earth was formed, many more secrets will be revealed

Scientist finds special planet, will tell how Earth was formed, many more secrets will be revealed

Astronomers have discovered a special kind of exoplanet that can tell our scientists how the Earth was formed. This discovery by international researchers is very special because this exoplanet is lighter than both Neptune and Uranus and it is in a star system where there is a planet a hundred times larger than Jupiter on the outside. In this way, scientists believe that the conditions of this planet are similar to what our Earth might have once been.

This small, cool exoplanet is revolving around a star whose temperature is similar to that of our Sun. Scientists believe that this can reveal how the Earth was formed. This star named HD88986 is slightly bigger than the Sun and scientists have named this cold planet smaller than Neptune as HD88986b.

Dr Neda Haidari of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), who led the study, says that it takes a very long time to revolve around its star, whereas most do so in less than 40 days. While planets with long orbits are still difficult to identify, it also makes it difficult for us to understand how the planets in our solar system were formed.

Generally exoplanets are not so Earth-like. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

HD88986b revolves around its star every 146 days, whereas Mercury in our solar system takes 88 days to revolve around the Sun. With the help of data from many telescopes, scientists were able to find out that this planet should be twice the size of the Earth. The results of the study have been published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal.

The temperature of the atmosphere of HD88986b is about 190 degrees Celsius, which scientists do not consider to be very high. Because the temperature of the atmosphere of the exoplanet found so far is more than one thousand degrees Celsius. Its distance from its star is 60 percent of the distance between our Earth and the Sun.

In a way, this planet is situated between Venus and Mercury. Therefore, it is going to be a very favorite planet for study. Because its study will reveal how Earth and planets like it are formed. The presence of a Jupiter-like planet outside this system makes it even more similar to our solar system.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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