Scientist found a strange planet, it rains molten glass, the smell of rotten eggs lingers in the air!

Scientist found a strange planet, it rains molten glass, the smell of rotten eggs lingers in the air!

In a surprising discovery, scientists have claimed that they have discovered a very unique “hot Guru”. In this discovery made with the help of James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have claimed that the atmosphere of this planet near the Earth smells like rotten eggs. Not only this, it also rains glass on it. Such a planet has never been discovered before. Scientists have also discovered the reason why there is such a smell on this planet?

Scientists say that this is a very rare planet. The temperature here is very high. Due to this, it rains glass here. They have found that the wind here blows at a speed of 8046 km per hour. They have made it clear that in these conditions, it is not possible for life to exist here.

Why does it smell like rotten eggs?
This exoplanet named HD 189733 b is only 64 light years away from Earth. This means that it will take 64 years to reach there at the speed of light. But scientists are considering it to be a planet very close to Earth. They say that this planet is full of hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide. This is the reason why you will definitely get the smell of rotten eggs there.

This hot Jupiter planet revolves around its star every two days. (Symbolic picture: Pixabay)

According to a new study published in Nature, astronomers have found the presence of carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and many heavy metals in the atmosphere of this exoplanet with the help of the James Telescope. But apart from this, the presence of poisonous and flammable hydrogen sulfide gas in the atmosphere is a surprising discovery.

It is worth noting that on Earth this gas is released during the process of decay of organic matter. It is surprising to find so much of it outside the solar system. Right now it is found in very small quantities. Even after this, scientists are not expecting any life here because the temperature on the planet is very high.

Also read: New claim about aliens, Something is stopping them from reaching Earth, That’s why it’s difficult to come here!

HD 189733 b revolves around its star every two days. The temperature here reaches 925 degrees Celsius. Even stones melt at this temperature. This is the reason why it rains molten glass here and the winds also blow very fast.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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