Scientists discovered special blood test, will become evidence in court, will be useful in preventing accidents and catching criminals.

Scientists discovered special blood test, will become evidence in court, will be useful in preventing accidents and catching criminals.

What if you are in a business whose employees you cannot expect to be awake 24 hours a day? If you find a way by which you can know which employees have not slept in the last 24 hours. To find out, scientists have invented a special type of blood test which can prove to be revolutionary especially in terms of road safety. In this blood test, they have used such biomarkers which show whether the person had slept in the last 24 hours or not.

It is being claimed that this test is going to give very accurate results. Under controlled conditions, researchers at Monash University in Australia and the University of Birmingham in the UK have found that their test can tell the difference between the blood of people who have slept and those who have been awake for 24 hours with 99.2% accuracy.

It may not seem of any use, but scientists say that this test can help in reducing 20 percent of road accidents in the world due to less or no sleep. With this, a driver who is not able to sleep can be identified authentically. Not only this, it can be used in a very wide variety of ways.

This test can be used to check whether a truck driver has slept for 24 hours or not. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

In the study published in Science Advances, researchers have described this test as very useful. It is being said about this research led by Claire Anderson that this test will prove to be very useful in all such workplaces where not getting enough sleep can have dangerous consequences.

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This test can be used as evidence in situations where in accidents it is important that the driver has not slept for the last 24 hours and may have been asleep or dozing off at the time of the accident.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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