Scientists got confused by the unique dinosaur, first said it was a deep water diver, now claimed the opposite!

Scientists got confused by the unique dinosaur, first said it was a deep water diver, now claimed the opposite!

Whatever scientists know about dinosaurs, they know only from the study of fossils. But sometimes the results of their in-depth studies also go a bit wrong. Recently something similar was seen when scientists were forced to change the results of the study of Spinosaurus, a dinosaur with a large sail on its back. Paleontologists had to change the way Spinosaurus hunted. In the new study they explained its hunting habits in a new way.

Researchers said that earlier studies about Spinosaurus had shown that it hunted by diving in deep water, but it actually hunted in shallow water like the heron. He also explained why he had to make such a big change in this concept.

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus was one of the largest predatory animals on Earth during the Cretaceous period and was found at the end of the dinosaur era. In a study published in PLoS One, scientists said that this species was found in today’s Africa and their weight used to be more than seven tons.

Scientists came to these results after re-analyzing the dinosaur bones.
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Nathan Myhrvold, an author of the study, told Newsweek that it would have been a very different looking dinosaur because it used to have a very large sail-like structure on its back. Paleontologists agree that Spinosaurus used to be an animal that hunted and ate fish.

Some studies showed that these dinosaurs used to catch prey near the shore in shallow water, but some studies said that Spinosaurus used to hunt by diving in deep water. The basis of the new result was a re-analysis of these dinosaurs in which the density of dinosaur bones was recalculated, through which their hunting habits were revealed.

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Earlier calculations had shown that Spinosaurus would have hunted only by diving into deep water. But in this study of 2020, the new study has found some mistakes. Based on the new calculations, the results showed that there would have been air in the bones of their spine due to which they would not have been able to dive. Whereas the thigh and rib bones do not indicate that they would have been able to dive.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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