Scientists were not able to find out how the universe came out of darkness, James Telescope helped

Scientists were not able to find out how the universe came out of darkness, James Telescope helped

Scientists are constantly making efforts to uncover the secrets of the history of the universe. They also keep improving the perception formed on the basis of the information so far by adding new information to it. Till now it has been believed that initially there was darkness all around in the universe and then gradually light spread everywhere in many ways. How this happened is still a mystery, but in a recent study, astronomers have tried to find the answer with the help of the James Webb Telescope.

The universe has experienced many dark ages in the beginning. During this period, the light emanating from the stars could not travel far due to the surrounding gases. But how did our space become home to millions of shining galaxies? For this, scientists turned the telescope towards an area called Pandora Cluster.

The Webb Telescope captured information about the smaller galaxies that first started emitting light. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

The Pandora Cluster is a group of massive galaxies that envelop space. This creates a curved astronomical lens and makes the objects behind appear very large. The light passing through NASA gets bent instead of traveling straight. Due to this, the posterior bodies appear bright and distorted. With the help of these lenses, scientists have been able to see very old, faint galaxies.

Scientists saw the small galaxy in the shape it had taken billions of years ago and after the long journey of light, it has reached us now. That means, what we are seeing now are actually pictures billions of years old.

But the smaller galaxies were producing huge amounts of ultraviolet light, enough to pierce dense cosmic gas clouds. Later the celestial gases could not stop the light of the stars and the stars started shining clearly and brightly. Researchers say that these celestial power houses used to extract a lot of energy.

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In this study published in Nature, scientists found that low-mass galaxies used to produce energetic radiation and their combined effect was so much that it could change the entire state of the universe and in this way the universe kept coming out of darkness and getting illuminated. .

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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