Search for rare humpback anglerfish near Tennerif Island

Search for rare humpback anglerfish near Tennerif Island

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People were surprised when the Humpback Angerfish living in the depths of the sea suddenly came to the surface, which people were surprised to see and made a video of it. This view shown in the Tenearfe Island of Spain. People demons this fish …Read more

Many mysterious things are hidden in the depths of the sea, which we do not know about. Often scientists keep doing research about them. There are many unique creatures between the cold areas in the depth and darkness of the sea, which we hardly see. But sometimes these organisms come to the surface and surprise us. Something similar happened near the island of Taneirife, when a strange fish appeared in sunlight. That fish won the hearts of the people and has given a new perspective towards the sea. The matter is in the month of February. Some people were looking for sharks in the sea near the Tenearfe Island in Spain. He was from a group called Condric Taneirife and was two kilometers from the island. Then he saw a very strange fish. Photographer David Zara Boguna filmed the special fish named Hampback Angerfish. It is also called Black SEDVV.

Usually this fish lives in darkness 200 to 600 meters below the sea depth. It was never seen alive in the first day. But surprisingly, this fish was floating near the surface of the water in sunlight. This was very special. The video of this fish became very viral on social media. People liked it very much. Some called it a feminist symbol, some saw it like Ikaras, who died in an attempt to go to the sun. According to the Greek legend, Ikaras died due to flying close to the sun with wax -containing wings made by his father Dadlas, causing wax to melt and he fell into the sea and drowned. But this wonderful view changed the attitude of the people. Looking at this, it seems that people are no longer scary, but are interesting.

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