Secret Of Long Life These 6 Things Along With Pride And Lack Of Sacrifice Know Death Philosophy According To Hinduism

Secret Of Long Life These 6 Things Along With Pride And Lack Of Sacrifice Know Death Philosophy According To Hinduism

Death Philosophy: Description of death is found in Vedas, Puranas and Hindu religious scriptures. In the holy book Bhagwat Geeta, Shri Krishna introduces Arjun to the truth of death. According to religious texts, the one who is born on earth, his death is also certain. Death is such an unchangeable truth that no one can avoid it.

It is mentioned in the scriptures that every person has a date of birth. Similarly, he also gets the date of his death written down. However, it is told in the Puranas that depending on the deeds of a person, his age of death increases as well as decreases.

Those who do good and virtuous deeds get the blessings of long life from God, whereas those who do bad deeds may get the curse of death and die earlier. This is the reason why some people die prematurely and in extremely painful conditions. Let us know the reasons due to which a person is not able to enjoy his full life.

How many years is the life span of a human being?

In Mahabharata’s Udyoga Parva, Dhritarashtra questions Mahatma Vidur that, when in all the Vedas the lifespan of a human being is stated to be hundred years, then what are the reasons due to which he is not able to enjoy his full life and dies before time? Is. According to the Vedas, the lifespan of a human being is hundred years.

Shatayurukta Purushah Sarvavedeshu Vai Yada.
Napnotyath cha tat sarvamayu: keneh hetuna.

In this verse, Vidur ji tells Dhritarashtra about six reasons due to which a human being is not able to enjoy his full life i.e. hundred years of age. These six reasons are as follows-

  • pride: A person’s pride is a sword that cuts his life. An arrogant person makes the mistake of disrespecting teachers, Mahatmas and elders by considering himself to be the greatest. Even God gets angry with the nature of such people and reduces their lifespan. If you want to live a long life then eliminate pride.
  • Not controlling speech: Such people who talk too much are unable to control their speech and say anything to anyone. Such people knowingly or unknowingly also hurt people’s hearts. Besides, people who talk too much also lie. Due to these reasons the age of a person decreases.
  • Lack of sacrifice: Every person should have a sense of sacrifice and dedication. Those who do not have these qualities are never able to enjoy full life. The direct proof of this is Lankapati Ravana and Duryodhana. Ravana and Duryodhana lacked sacrifice. Therefore he had to fight a war, in which he died.
  • Anger: Anger is also a reason for early death. An angry person forgets what is right and wrong and in anger he always does something which causes harm to him. Lord Krishna has said that anger causes a person to go to hell.
  • Selfishness: Selfishness is also a reason for reducing the age. A selfish person is also a sinner. Because for their own selfishness they do not shy away from committing even the biggest sins. These people even get ready to enter the battlefield and become the cause of the end of their own lives.
  • Danger: People who cheat or cheat someone are called despicable people. Yamraj remains angry with such people and gives them the harsh punishment of death.

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